Workshop Program & Proceedings
Click on the titles for the full paper (in pdf).
Room 9: Seminar Room 1.205, DO
- 09.00 - 09.10 Opening
- 09.10 - 10.00 Invited Talk by Herb Clark
- 10.00 - 10.30 Coffee Break + Posters
- 10.30 - 10.50 Adrian Bangerter and Eric Mayor. Lexical entrainment without conceptual pacts? Revisiting the matching task
- 10.50 - 11.10 Jorrig Vogels, Emiel Krahmer and Alfons Maes. Effects of cognitive load on the choice of referential form
- 11.10 - 11.30 Raquel Fernández. Rethinking Overspecification in Terms of Incremental Processing
- 11.30 - 11.50 Roger van Gompel and Kumiko Fukumura. Clausal interference during reference production
- 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch Break + Posters
- 13.00 - 13.20 Jessica Montag and Maryellen MacDonald. Choice of referring expression subject to visual context, linguistic context and competition
- 13.20 - 13.40 Roman Kutlak, Chris Mellish and Kees Van Deemter. Generation of Referring Expressions in Large Domains
- 13.40 - 14.00 Patrick G. T. Healey, Gregory Mills and Arash Eshghi. Making things worse to make them better: the role of negative evidence in the coordination of referring expressions
- 14.00 - 14.20 Susan Brennan, Katherina Schuhmann and Karla Batres. Collaboratively Setting Perspectives and Referring to Locations Across Multiple Contexts
- 14.20 - 14.40 Albert Gatt, Roger van Gompel, Kees van Deemter and Emiel Krahmer. Are we Bayesian Referring Expression Generators?
- 14.40 - 16.30 Poster Session + Coffee Break (at 16.00)
- 16.30 - 17.30 Invited Talk by Noah Goodman
- 17.30 Closing
- 19.00 Workshop dinner
Poster Presentations
Nota bene: We ask participants to put up their poster before the workshop, so other participants can already read them during the coffee and lunch break.
- Adriana Alexandra Baltaretu, Emiel Krahmer and Alfons Maes. Factors influencing the choice of relatum in referring expressions generation: animacy vs. position
- Hans Westerbeek, Ruud Koolen and Alfons Maes. Color typicality and overspecification in definite reference
- Vivien Mast and Diedrich Wolter. Context and Vagueness in REG
- Dominique Knutsen, Christine Ros and Ludovic Le Bigot. How grounding and visual copresence affect reference reuse during dialogue
- Christopher Habel, Özge Alacam and Cengiz Acartürk. Verbally Assisted Comprehension of Haptic Line-Graphs: Referring Expressions in a Collaborative Activity
- Margaret Mitchell, Ehud Reiter and Kees Van Deemter. Attributes in Visual Object Reference
- Katy Jones. Identifiable indefinites and the Givenness Hierarchy: a case of underspecification and overspecification?
- Franziska Koeder. Pronoun interpretation in direct and indirect discourse
- Flora Vanlangendonck, Roel Willems, Laura Menenti and Peter Hagoort. The Role of Common Ground in Audience Design: Beyond an All or Nothing Story
- Matthew Green and Kees Van Deemter. The utility of vagueness: does it lie elsewhere?
- Colin Bannard, Marla Rosner and Danielle Matthews. 3-year-old’s referring expressions balance familiarity with informativity
- Andrej Kibrik, Mariya Khudyakova, Grigory Dobrov and Anastasia Linnik. Referential choice: A cognitively based modeling study
- Murat Cakir and Cengiz Acarturk. Micro-Analysis of Referring Expressions in a Dual Eye Tracking Paradigm: Two Case Studies on Voice and Chat Mediated Interaction
- Marissa Hoek and Mariët Theune. Generation of Dutch referring expressions using the D-TUNA corpus
- Simon Dobnik and John Kelleher. Towards an automatic identification of functional and geometric spatial prepositions